Vitamin D Deficiencies

World-Wide Vitamin D Deficiencies

A new clinical review posted in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association shows that there are almost a billion people world-wide who have deficient levels of vitamin D.  The study also showed that African Americans are overwhelmingly more susceptible with a 95% deficiency rate.  The change in lifestyles and people not getting outside as often as usual, coupled with the over-use of sunscreen are the suspected causes of this increase in the widespread vitamin D deficiencies.

Vitamin D is considered a hormone and is naturally generated when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Almost every cell in our body has vitamin D receptors. Sunscreen doesn’t just block harmful rays, it also blocks the body’s ability to generate vitamin D.  A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 reduces the production of vitamin D3 by 99%.  This is not to say go out and stay all day in the sun without applying sunscreen. You can obtain the benefit of vitamin D production with just a simple walk around the block on a sunny afternoon.  The specific amount of time needed for adequate vitamin D production varies based on a person’s skin pigmentation and geographic location.  Light skin synthesizes more vitamin D than darker skin. Overall, spending 5 – 30 minutes in the sun, two to three days a week, will naturally boost vitamin D levels.

Other good sources of vitamin D are salmon, eggs, milk, and Portobello mushrooms.  Supplements are also an effective, low-risk way to boost vitamin D levels.

Additional research is being conducted to link vitamin D deficiency to other diseases such as auto immune disorders, multiple sclerosis, respiratory disease, cancer, low bone density and others. Ultimately, it is known that vitamin D plays a key role in many functions of the body.  As more information is gathered, more scientists and physicians are embracing the benefits of vitamin D for overall health.

Vitamin D injections and IV therapies are offered at Edge!  Give us a call at 832-789-4989 to find out more information and schedule a consultation!

Source: John A. Jerome. An Osteopathic Approach to Chronic Pain Management. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association; 117 (5): 306 DOI: 10.7556/jaoa.2017.056

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