Vitamin D and Coronavirus Severity

Vitamin D Levels Could Be Linked to Coronavirus Severity

In one of the largest population-based studies of its kind, Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern of Bar Ilan University in Israel concludes that Vitamin D is “like a steroid” when it comes to effectively reducing the severity of Coronavirus.  According to Frenkel, patients with higher levels of Vitamin D can more quickly and effectively fight COVID-19.

The study followed 7,807 Israelis who were tested for the virus and found that those who tested negative had an adequate range of Vitamin D, while those testing positive had inadequate Vitamin D levels. Inadequate Vitamin D levels are considered to be below 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood.  In the population sample, those testing negative had an average range of 21 nanograms per ml and those testing positive averaged 19 nanograms per ml. The more severe cases requiring hospitalization were at levels averaging 17 nanograms per ml.  Frenkel’s study was recently peer-reviewed and published in the FEBS Journal, confirming the results that people testing negative versus those testing positive and even requiring hospitalization reported a significant difference in Vitamin D levels. Frenkel added that people over the age of 50 were twice as likely to be hospitalized if their Vitamin D levels were inadequate compared to similar-aged people with adequate levels.  Also, people aged 25-49 were 1.45 times more likely to be hospitalized if they had low Vitamin D levels.

A Vitamin D deficiency is quite common.  It is estimated that a billion people worldwide have a Vitamin D deficiency and 50% of the worldwide population has insufficient levels of Vitamin D.  Ironically, the coronavirus lockdowns, social distancing guidelines, and people avoiding unnecessary outings may contribute to lower Vitamin D levels and may be putting people at risk.  She suggests health officials and local authorities should avoid closing outdoor spaces.

Frenkel concludes that Vitamin D can not keep people from getting Coronavirus, only that her study shows it supports the body’s ability to fight the virus once infected.  It is important for everyone to boost their Vitamin D levels so your body can fight the virus in the chance you are infected.

For more information about Vitamin D or to start boosting your immune system so your body can fight off infections, give us a call at (832)789-4989 and schedule your consultation!


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