The Link Between Nutrient Deficiencies and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The Link Between Nutrient Deficiencies and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you constantly feel exhausted no matter how much sleep you get each night, you may be suffering from a case of chronic fatigue syndrome in Spring Texas. This oppressive problem can stem from a variety of causes, including nutritional deficiencies. Unremitting fatigue can make work, play, or any other activity seem all but impossible. But don’t lose heart, because a combination of nutrient therapy and lifestyle adjustments may help restore your energy levels and make you feel more capable of participating in everyday life.

Understanding CFSWoman suffers from Chronic fatigue disease.

You may hear chronic fatigue syndrome referred to as CFS, SEID (systemic exertion intolerance disease), or ME (mys\algic encephalomyelitis). Its hallmark symptom is a sense of overwhelming tiredness that no amount of rest or sleep can relieve. Other CFS symptoms include headaches, cognitive and mood issues, light sensitivity, depression, musculoskeletal pain, and a mild fever. 

CFS occurs especially frequently in middle-aged people, especially women. Many cases of CFS have no identifiable cause. However, researchers believe that it may occur due to an underlying virus, hormonal abnormalities, substandard immune system function, or stress. Others see links to nutritional deficiencies.

The Role of Nutritional Deficiencies in CFS

Anyone can experience low energy levels and general health challenges if they don’t get sufficient amounts of the right nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients play critical roles in sustaining the body’s countless biochemical processes. An imbalance can easily disrupt those processes, altering the way your body and mind work.

Different kind of foods that has Vitamin B12 in the table.Some cases of CFS may be traced to deficiencies in a few specific nutrients. These nutrients include:

  • Vitamin B12 – Because vitamin B12 helps the mitochondria in cells produce energy, a lack of this substance can easily produce significant fatigue.
  • Magnesium – Magnesium helps the body create and store a substance called adenosine triphosphate or ATP, the main fuel source for cells. Your body simply cannot run properly on low levels of magnesium.
  • Vitamin D – Studies have shown that many individuals who suffer from CFS also have low levels of Vitamin D. Although the body can synthesize Vitamin D from sun exposure, some people don’t get regular access to sunlight.
  • Iron – The iron in your hemoglobin helps to facilitate oxygen transport via the bloodstream. An iron deficiency that impairs this process can leave you feeling fatigued.

Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies in CFSPatient having a consultation with a doctor about having chronic fatigue illness.

The symptoms of CFS can also occur in many other diseases and disorders. You need to undergo diagnostic evaluation from an experienced medical practitioner to eliminate these look-alike ailments as possibilities and to confirm your CFS.

You must meet some specific criteria to receive a diagnosis of CFS, including the presence of at least four of the recognized symptoms and symptoms duration of at least six months. You will probably undergo blood testing to check your nutrient levels. Your practitioner may also perform other tests associated with a functional medicine approach, such as stool sample tests to evaluate your gut health.

IV Nutrient TherapyNutrient Therapy for CFS

If you’ve received a diagnosis of CFS, nutrient therapy may help correct imbalances associated with this disorder, managing fatigue and other uncomfortable symptoms the natural way while boosting your overall health and sense of well-being. If the tests show a marked deficiency in a specific nutrient, shots can feed that nutrient directly to your bloodstream for fast, powerful effects. Common nutrient therapies for CFS involve vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin D, and iron supplementation. You may benefit from injections of all four of these key nutrients.


Lifestyle ConsiderationsWoman making a health salad meal.

Even after you’ve enjoyed noticeable results from nutrient therapy, you can still benefit from lifestyle changes that support fatigue management. A healthy balanced, nutrient-rich diet, stress management practices such as yoga or meditation, and a regular, sensible sleep schedule can all help you manage your CFS. Avoiding caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol should also pay dividends.

Doctors often recommend activity management as another important CFS self-care strategy. By keeping track of which activities cause the most fatigue, you can learn how to ration your available energy throughout the day.

Seek Professional Help for Your CFS

Chronic fatigue syndrome in Spring, Texas can cause debilitating weariness and discomfort, but a proactive approach to diagnosing and treating the problem can give you more control over your quality of life. Consult a skilled healthcare team to check for nutrient deficiencies and schedule nutrient therapy if necessary to bring your body back into balance.

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