Deep Sleep

Secret to Longevity Could be Deep Sleep

It is well known that a good night’s sleep has many health benefits, but according to recent studies, decreased sleep, particularly REM sleep, can shorten your lifespan.  REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is when the body is able to repair itself from the previous day’s toxins and it is also when dreams occur. According to a study published in JAMA Neurology, mortality rates increase 13-17% with as little as a 5% reduction in REM sleep.

According to an article published in the Neuron journal, sleep deprivation can begin early in life.  In our fast-paced lives, we don’t allow time for adequate sleep and often ignore the signs of sleep problems. As we age, brain waves during our sleep cycle and the neurochemicals that regulate our sleep diminish, resulting in ineffective sleep and daytime fatigue. Also, the region of our brain to decline first is the one responsible for generating a deep sleep. So it is important to heed the signs of sleep deprivation early to avoid the long-term effects.  Sleep deprivation is related to memory loss and cognitive decline in older adults.

Experts also warn that sleeping pills can worsen sleep deprivation.  In order to reach full wakefulness, our brain needs a natural sleep without the aid of medications. Along with the many negative effects of using sleep aids, a sedated brain can not sleep naturally.  There are natural alternatives that can provide relief and give you a more restful sleep.  Vitamins D, E, B, and Magnesium are all related to influence sleep quality.

The question remains: how much sleep do we need to feel rested during the day?  It is recommended to get between 7-10 hours of sleep per night, depending on age.  People who get less than 4 or more than 10 can have an increased risk of early death.  The link between sleep deprivation and early death has been consistent for both genders and all races and ethnicities worldwide.

For more information about how to improve the quality of your sleep and your life, contact us at 832-789-4989 and schedule an initial consultation.


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