Proper Hydration

Proper Hydration and Your Health

How Much Water Do You Need for Proper Hydration?

You’ve heard the saying “drink eight glasses of water each day” to keep you hydrated, right???  Well, that’s not necessarily true.  The proper amount of water your body needs depends on several factors, such as your health, how active you are, and where you live.  Knowing your own body’s hydration needs can help you determine how much water to drink each day. According to the Mayo Clinic, the average healthy adult male needs about 15.5 cups (3.6 liters) per day, and the average healthy female needs about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) per day. You might need to modify these recommendations based on the following factors:

  • Exercise – If you exercise to the point of sweating, you need to drink more water to recover the fluid loss. It is important to drink water before, during, and after a workout.
  • Environment – People living in hot and humid climates tend to sweat more and more than likely need to increase water intake. Living or spending time in higher altitudes can also cause dehydration.
  • Overall Health – Conditions that may require an increased fluid intake are bladder infections, urinary tract stones, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Pregnancy or Breast-Feeding – If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, additional fluids are needed to keep you sufficiently hydrated.

What are the Health Benefits of Proper Hydration?

Your body depends on water to survive!  In fact, the human body is made up of 98.9% water molecules (by molecules) and about 80% water (by mass), and naturally produces 1 to 1.5 liters of water each day (metabolic water). Every cell, organ, and tissue needs water to function properly.  Water rids the body of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. Water also regulates your body temperature, lubricates & cushions joints, and protects sensitive tissues. Being well hydrated also improves your skin, mood, cognitive function, and sleep quality.

How Do You Know You’re Not Properly Hydrated?

Improper hydration can lead to dehydration. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, swollen tongue, dry skin, decreased skin elasticity, decreased sweat and urination, dark-colored urine, dizziness, headache, sugar cravings, and feeling tired and very thirsty.  Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and drained of energy. You can tell if your fluid intake is adequate if you are rarely thirsty and your urine is either colorless or light yellow.  Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol can also lead to dehydration.

If you are feeling dehydrated, or feel you have pushed your body to the limit and just need more fluids, you can opt for a Hydration IV, which can rehydrate your body within minutes by delivering fluids directly into your bloodstream. IV Hydration can refresh and replenish your body with nutrients and electrolytes leaving you feeling hydrated and revitalized!

Is Water Enough?

Hydration is far beyond drinking water. It may also depend on what type of water you’re drinking.  Drinking only filtered water may cause chronic dehydration, which can lead to chronic inflammation. Filtering our water removes harmful chemicals, along with helpful minerals.  It is important to add the minerals back into the water we drink for proper hydration.  Drinking mountain spring water (from living springs) with minerals is best for proper hydration.  You can also add essential minerals to filtered water.

You don’t need to solely rely on water to meet your hydration needs.  Many fruits and vegetables, like watermelon and spinach, are almost 100% water by weight. Other beverages such as milk, juice, tea, and coffee are also good sources of water. Some drinks can also have a lot of added sugar, which can add on unwanted calories, so it’s a good idea to stay away from those!

Staying properly hydrated is essential to good overall health.  For more information about proper hydration and any of your health-related needs, feel free to contact us at 832-789-4989 or visit our website at

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