Salt Alternatives

Improve Your Health with These Tasty Salt Alternatives

According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 90% of the US population consumes more than the recommended daily amount of sodium (2,300 mg).  Sodium is an electrolyte and plays an important role in several bodily functions such as fluid balance, blood pressure regulation, muscle contraction and nervous system signaling.  However, too much of it can lead to serious health issues such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome. Making simple adjustments to your daily routine can easily reduce your daily intake of sodium.  Just being mindful of the sodium content of the foods you eat can be a great start!  For instance, processed foods are typically very high in sodium.  Another way to watch your daily intake is to swap the salt with these tasty alternatives!

  1. Black Pepper – usually used as an addition to salt, added on its own can add flavor without the sodium. Recommended uses: soups, baked chicken or fish and pasta dishes.
  2. Garlic – it’s not just for Italian food! Add garlic to boost your immunity, lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. Recommended uses: soups, sauces, pasta dishes
  3. Paprika – not just a pretty color! It makes a great salt alternative by adding a sweet smoky flavor. Recommended uses: stews, chili, baked meats, fish or poultry.
  4. Oregano – a flavorful way to cut back on sodium. Recommended uses: sauces, pizza, chicken and fish.
  5. Cayenne Pepper – a spicy way to kick up the flavor! Recommended uses: soups, tacos and salsa
  6. Nutritional Yeast – a great non-dairy cheese substitute and an excellent source of B Vitamins, particularly B-12. Also contains fiber and protein to promote the “full” feeling. Recommended uses: mac & cheese, nachos, pasta dishes
  7. Thyme – a great way to boost flavor and can be used either fresh or in dried form. It also has a positive effect on blood pressure and cholesterol. Recommended uses: roasted vegetables, chicken, fish or meat marinades
  8. Low-sodium Broth – a great alternative to pre-made broths that are loaded with sodium! The low-sodium versions typically contain less than 140mg/serving. Recommended uses: mashed potatoes, whole grains, soups, stews, chili and sauces
  9. Basil – adds flavor and aroma, along with Vitamins K, A, C and E! It is also known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Recommended uses: pesto, pizza, pasta, mixed salad, sauces and salad dressing
  10. Sage – Great on its own or paired with other herbs. One teaspoon of sage contains 10% of your daily Vitamin K needs. Recommended uses: meats, risotto, polenta and bean dishes
  11. Dill – a very versatile herb with a refreshing lemony zing! It’s also a great source of Vitamins A and C and supports digestive and kidney health. Recommended uses: chicken & fish, potato salads, chilled noodle salads, tomato-based salads
  12. Lemon Juice – used by many professional chefs in place of salt. Packed with Vitamin C, which promotes heart disease prevention, iron absorption, skin elasticity and immune system functions. Recommended uses: stir-fries, sauces, salad dressings, chicken, fish and vegetables.
  13. Tumeric – a sweet, slightly peppery alternative. Paired with black pepper, which increases tumeric’s absorption, it can provide anti-inflammatory benefits.  Recommended uses: eggs, soups, stews and roasted vegetables
  14. Apple Cider Vinegar – a tangy, fruit-forward flavor packing a big punch – so a little goes a long way! It may also reduce blood sugar levels. Recommended uses: salad dressings, marinades
  15. Rosemary – packs a comforting flavor and stimulating aroma with a wintery pine tree-like flavor. Recommended uses: soups, stews and any other comfort foods
  16. Balsamic Vinegar – brightens the taste of any dish with minimal calories! Recommended uses: salad dressings, meats, cooked vegetables and grilled fruit.
  17. Kelp granules – a mildly salty flavor without any salt, and rich in iodine. Recommended uses: crab cakes, chowder, seafood dishes and anything you might put salt on
  18. Red Wine Vinegar – a low sodium alternative bursting with sharp flavor. Recommended uses: salad dressings, marinades, beef, pork, vegetables and pickling
  19. Dried Onion – bold taste added without peeling chopping or sautéing! Recommended uses: soups, mashed potatoes, chicken or egg salads and marinades
  20. Coriander – a bright and citrusy flavor, commonly used in International dishes to maintain flavor while retaining the integrity of the dish. Recommended uses: Currie, Indian and Mexican cuisine
  21. Parsley – typically used as a garnish, this herb is very flavorful. Recommended uses: soups, stews, pasta dishes and mashed potatoes

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