
Food Sources of Zinc

With all the news today surrounding how to strengthen your immune system, the importance of Zinc is high on the list.  Believe it or not, a study was published back in 2010 that showed how ionic zinc inhibited Coronavirus by preventing its ability to replicate and spread.

Zinc is an essential mineral for overall health. It not only strengthens and helps maintain the immune system it also metabolizes other nutrients and repairs body tissues. Researchers have studied zinc and its role in diverse physiological processes for the past 30 years. The British Medical Journal also published research showing zinc as a possible treatment against SARS, another type of Coronavirus. Their research found zinc provided protection against this virus by preventing its attachment to other cell surfaces. Zinc has also been studied for its antiviral effects against the common cold and has been shown to decrease the incidence of respiratory infections in young children.

Since we can’t store zinc in our body, it is important to get the recommended daily requirement (for men is 11mg/day and for women is 8mg/day, 11 while pregnant and 12 while breastfeeding). Of course, there are supplements available, but the best way to make sure you’re getting the proper vitamins and minerals every day is by eating the right foods! There are plenty of foods that can provide the recommended daily values of zinc.

  • Oysters – 16.6 milligrams of zinc per 100 grams
  • Hemp seed – 9.9 mg per 100 grams
  • Sesame seeds – 7.8 mg per 100 grams
  • Pumpkin seeds – 7.64 mg per 100 g
  • Cacao powder – 6-7 mg per 100 g
  • Grass-fed beef – 5 mg of zinc per 100 grams
  • Alaskan crab – 7.6 mg per 100 g
  • 100 grams of legumes – 12% of the daily recommended value
  • Cashews – 15% of the DRV per one-ounce serving
  • Cheddar cheese – 28% of the DRV per 100 grams
  • One cup of full-fat milk – 9% of the DRV
  • Shrimp and mussels – 14% of the DRV per 100 grams
  • One large egg – 5% of the DRV
  • One large regular or sweet potato – 9% of the DRV
  • Green beans – 3% of the DRV per 100 grams
  • Dark chocolate – 3.3 mg or 30% of the DRV per 100 grams

If you want more information about this or other ways to maintain good health, give us a call at 832-789-4989 and speak to one of our professionals!



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