Cancer & Obesity

Cancers Associated with Obesity

Most people are aware there are risks with obesity, but many do not know that being overweight and having obesity are linked with some cancers.  According to CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald, MD, “a majority of American adults weigh more than recommended – and being overweight or obese puts people at higher risk for a number of cancers – so these findings are a cause for concern.  By getting to and keeping a healthy weight, we all can play a role in cancer prevention.”

There are 13 types of cancers directly associated with overweight and obesity (see image below), which accounts for 40% of all cancers diagnosed in the United States in 2014.  About 2 in 3 of those diagnosed were adults between 50 and 74 years old.  Since the 1990s, overall cancer diagnoses have decreased, but the increase in overweight and obesity-related cancer diagnoses may be hindering the overall progress.  Between 2005 and 2014 overweight and obesity–related cancer diagnoses increased by 7%, while unrelated cancers decreased by 13%.   Colorectal cancer diagnoses decreased by 23%, highly due to heightened awareness and screenings.  Overall, 55% of all cancers diagnosed in women and 24% in men are associated with overweight and obesity. The non-Hispanic black and white population had higher diagnosis rates than other ethnic groups.  Black and American Indian/Alaska Native males had higher diagnosis rates than white males.

How can you help?  Keep track of your weight, height, and body mass index, and keep a healthy weight in an effort to reduce your risks. If you need help with weight loss or just want to maintain your healthy weight and feel great, contact us for a consultation.  We’re here to give you your edge back!!


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