Weight Loss

5 Keys to Successful Weight Loss

There are always fad diets and weight loss remedies that claim to help you lose weight.  But we’ve gathered several tips from studies and actual fitness & weight loss coaches for ways to lose weight and keep it off without fad diets and medications.

  1. Phyl London – Level IV Master Trainer, specializing in Pilates and Group Exercise

Don’t expect miracles!  Phyl tells clients to set realistic goals and stick to a diet and exercise plan for weeks and even months.  He says it takes 4 weeks to feel better, 6 weeks to see some differences, and a full 8 weeks to see true change and results. So stay on track even if you don’t see the scale moving.

Phyl also suggests knowing your areas of weakness. For some, it may be chocolate, sweets, or ice cream, and for others, it may be chips, bread, or pretzels. Get rid of these triggers and restock with healthy snacks like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy foods.  Make the healthier options easy to grab by putting them in a bowl on the counter or preparing them in clear containers for the refrigerator.

  1. JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association

A recent study in JAMA found that any diet works, as long as you stick to it!  According to the study, people using different popular diets like Atkins, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, and Nutrisystem lost similar amounts of weight.  They found that the diet plan itself isn’t what matters as much as that you follow it. Staying on track is what will bring results.

Multiple studies have also found that eating a large meal for dinner will hinder weight loss and sometimes even make you gain weight.  Researchers studied two groups of people – one ate a big breakfast and a small dinner and the other had a small breakfast and a larger dinner.  The big breakfast group managed the most weight loss over the course of the study.  Remember this rule: Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper!

  1. Paige Waehner – Certified Personal Trainer

“If you bite it, write it!”  Paige believes in keeping a journal of your eating habits. There are apps and websites available or just pen and paper works too.  This allows you to be aware of trouble spots in your day like the afternoon candy bar or late night snack. Many people think they eat healthy until they begin keeping a journal and see how many extra calories they consume daily.  Just an extra handful of nuts can add more than 100 calories!  Also, beware of the free sample of pizza at the grocery store or the cookies your co-worker brings to the office!

  1. Malia Frey, MA, CPT, CHC – Health Coach and Personal Trainer

Tell everyone about your weight loss campaign.  Malia says “Asking for help is the most important part of your weight loss program.”  Telling friends and family about your new diet or exercise program will increase your accountability and keep you motivated.

  1. Alex Turoff, MS, RD, CDN, CPT

Fill up on water!  A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed you can burn up to 490 calories per week just by drinking ice-cold water throughout the day.  Research has also shown that drinking water before a meal may help you eat less.  There are also many benefits to keeping your body hydrated. Jazz up your water with fresh lemon, cucumber, mint or your favorite fruit or veggie! If you do something special to your water, you are more likely to drink it.

For more tips on a healthy lifestyle or weight loss, give us a call at 832-843-7515 and schedule your consultation.



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