Manage Running Pain

How to Manage Running Pain Naturally

Aches and pains are just par for the course for most runners.  But there are a few injuries that may require some additional attention to get you back to logging miles.

A runner’s knee is one of the most common injuries among runners.  It is often caused simply by overuse of the joint. The pain stems from inconsistent tracking of the patella. There is a groove in the femur called the femoral groove and when the patella doesn’t glide smoothly in this groove, it leads to increased friction in the joint and ultimately causes pain, especially with repeated bending at the knee.  If your hamstrings are tight or your hips and quads are weak, it can limit the mobility of the knee joint, causing poor biomechanics, which can increase the probability of inconsistent patella tracking.   To address the runner’s knee before major problems develop, make sure to keep your quads and glutes strong and make sure to stretch your hamstring’s IT bands.  Foam rolling is a great way to stretch these areas. Although research is mixed on the true effectiveness of foam rolling the IT band, there is a neuromuscular component that seems to help relieve symptoms.

Another common runner’s injury is shin splints, which can be caused by various factors.  Wearing inappropriate footwear, jumping into a routine too quickly, ramping up the intensity or duration of your workouts too quickly, tight calf muscles, or just running on uneven surfaces can all cause shin splints.  Shin splint pain is felt at the front of the lower shin bone between the knee and the ankle.  It tends to be worse after increased activity. Key factors that play the largest role in developing shin splints are form, strength, training regimen, and body mechanics.  Most of these can be easily altered by some simple and quick changes.  First, adjust the frequency and intensity of your workouts and explore some new footwear.  Make sure to stretch properly, especially the calf muscles, but include the hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. Strengthen the calf muscles, ankles, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Finally, incorporate some balance exercises into your routine as they can help your body learn to stabilize on uneven surfaces.

To maintain strength and muscle mass, Edge offers great supplement therapy with Glutathione, Co-Q-10, Lipoic Acid, and Folic Acid. We also offer hormone replacement therapy to keep you feeling motivated, vibrant, invigorated, and healthy so you can achieve your goals!

For more information, give us a call at 832-789-4989 or visit our website.

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